The student news site of Bernards High School

The Crimson

The student news site of Bernards High School

The Crimson

The student news site of Bernards High School

The Crimson

Boys tennis hosts a very successful Senior Day match

Anita Gandhi
Seniors on the varsity tennis team after a big win on Senior Day.

On May 2nd, the boys varsity tennis team played an important Senior Day match. Taking on Hunterdon Central, they looked to defeat them once again like they did earlier in the season, 4-1. The teams began with introductions. Bernards has 4 seniors on varsity: Daniel Nathans ‘24, Alex Ferrante ‘24, Deven Gandhi ‘24, and Nicholas Raguso ‘24. Beforehand, these seniors wrote introduction speeches to be read during the introduction. These speeches consisted of things like how long they have played, why they like tennis, where they are going to college, and more fun and interesting anecdotes and facts. After their speeches were read and they shook hands with their opponents, all 4 seniors gave a bouquet to their mother, creating multiple very special moments. 

Julian Bonk ‘26, a sophomore on the team,  says “The speeches were very inspirational and showed how the seniors’ hard work has paid off. It was also very heartwarming to see them hand their mothers flowers.”

After the introduction, the team huddled up and got hyped and ready for the match. The team started out very hot. 1st Doubles players Deven Gandhi and Julian Bonk closed out their first set quickly, winning 6-0. They would go on to win their second set as well, finishing with an impressive 6-0, 6-2 victory. Daniel Nathans won 6-0, 6-0 at 1st Singles, playing a great match. Neal Chaayanath ‘25 won 6-0, 6-1 at 2nd singles, dominating the competition. Alex Ferrante, at 3rd Singles, also played very well as he won 6-1, 6-1. At 2nd Doubles, Kevin Kerman ‘25 and Nicholas Raguso won their first set with ease, winning 6-1. Their second was tougher, but they still pulled out a decisive victory, winning 6-4. In the end, everyone was victorious, making the matches on Senior Day a big success. 

Afterwards, the players, coaches, and families that were there celebrated. As it was a very hot and humid day, a tent had been set up prior to the matches. Under the tent there were snacks and drinks for everyone to enjoy. After some talking and celebrating, the team took photos together. Pictures were taken with the entire team, with coaches and managers, and with just the seniors themselves, a great way to cap off a great Senior Day. 

Alex Ferrante ‘24 says “I enjoyed Senior Day very much. Everyone won and it truly was full of special moments.”

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