Going to college leads to a more fruitful life and career

Madison Case, Staff Writer

Many upperclassmen in high school all have one question they ponder frequently when trying to plan ahead for their future; is college worth it? With student loan debt rates higher than ever, it’s definitely an intimidating and close call. Typically, the standard repayment plan for students is usually set over a span of ten years after graduation, but some find it taking longer with the other necessities they need to pay for after they get their degree, including housing, which is not inexpensive. However, studies have proven that having a college education has many lifelong benefits.

The social aspects of college are an opportunity that should not be missed. Although it may seem hard to leave behind friendships that were made in the hallways that were walked upon for four years, making friends in college is not as difficult as the movies make it seem. There is a high likelihood that there are many students who are just as nervous as the next is for meeting new friends and adapting to the new culture. Many incoming freshmen feel the same and are afraid that they will never make great friendships. By joining in on greek life, clubs, or sports, meeting other students is guaranteed and these options should be taken advantage of. You can meet lifelong friends this way, which you may have thought was impossible at the start of college.

By attending college, you have a higher chance of living a happier, healthier life than the average high school graduate. Studies show that you are less likely to get in a divorce if you have a college education; the divorce rate is 25%, as compared to 50% for those without a degree. There is a higher chance that college graduates will be more satisfied, happier, and will reach incredible milestones throughout their life.

Aside from relationships, many jobs require a college degree, and you are less likely to lose your job with one. College graduates have more employment opportunities, a higher income, and are more likely to have health insurance and retirement plans.